Volunteer Program
Vipers is grateful for the many dedicated and hard-working volunteers who we value and depend on for the operation of our club.
The Vipers Volunteer Program is integral to the successful running of our club. For each player, in divisions 12U and up, their family must volunteer a minimum number of hours each season as noted below. Families that cannot or don’t want to contribute their time may instead pay a participation fee. Volunteer tracking is also required by the BC Gaming Policy and Enforcement Branch in order to be considered for grant applications, so it is important that we have families volunteer.
Required volunteer hours or fee:
- Fall (Sep. to Dec.) season: 5 hours or $75 fee
- Spring (Jan. to Apr.) season: 5 hours or $75 fee
- Fall and Spring: 10 hours or $150 fee
- Summer (May to Jul.) season: 3 hours or $45 fee
For each player you register, you must pay a participation fee deposit at the start of the season. You must pay the fee separately and can’t combine it with your registration fee or Water Polo Canada/Water Polo West fees.
To pay your fee:
- After registering your player, e-transfer the participation fee deposit to: treasurer@vancouverwaterpolo.com. In the e-transfer memo/comment field, add the words, “volunteer deposit” and the player’s name.
- Record your volunteer hours on the Volunteer Tracking Sheet throughout the season.
- Submit your completed volunteer tracking sheet that shows you have done the minimum hours and Vipers will refund you the participation fee deposit. You may submit the sheets to a member of the executive or a photo/scan to community@vancouverwaterpolo.com.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is Vipers implementing this program?
Vipers club is growing and requires more management than ever. Our option is to hire people and significantly increase club fees or ensure we have enough volunteers to help manage the club.
Why do I have to pay a participant fee deposit?
Vipers doesn’t have enough volunteers and the burden of managing the club falls onto a small group of people. The fee deposit ensures that we will have enough volunteers. Don’t worry, once you complete the minimum number of hours, the fee is returned to you.
Why do I have to pay the deposit separately?
Vipers must keep the deposits separate from our operating funds so we kindly ask that you pay it apart from your registration fees so it is easier for our volunteers to track.
You must pay the deposit by e-transfer to treasurer@vancouverwaterpolo.com and it can’t be combined with registration or other fees.
When you e-transfer the fee, please add the words, “volunteer deposit” in the memo/comment field and add the player’s name.
How do I complete the volunteer hours?
Volunteer hours may be done by:
- Officiating at a game or tournament (minor official score or time keeping): ~ 2 hours.
- Participating in the score or time keeping training session: ~ 1 hour.
- Attending the Annual General Meeting (AGM): ~ 1 hour.
- Participating on the executive, committee, or other volunteer position.
- Other, so long as it has been approved in advance by the executive.
Why does this apply to only some age divisions?
The volunteer requirement is for players in the age divisions: 12U, 14U, 16U, and 18U. These divisions participate in the most games and the tournament and is where we often need volunteers to score and time keep games.
What happens if I don’t pay the participation fee?
The participation fee must be paid by e-transfer by the end of the second week of the season. If you don’t pay the participation fee, your player won’t be permitted to participate further and all your registration fees will be refunded.
I have registered more than one player, do I need to pay a separate deposit for each?
Yes. The volunteer requirement is per player and so families with multiple players (e.g. siblings) must pay a deposit for each. For each player you must do the minimum number of volunteer hours.
What happens if I don’t do the minimum number of volunteer hours?
Your participation fee deposit won’t be refunded to you.
I don’t intend to do any volunteer hours, can I just pay the participation fee?
Yes. When you register your player, you have the option of stating that you won’t volunteer and you will pay the fee without expecting to be refunded. If you choose this option, you won’t be refunded the fee even if you later volunteer.
I’ve registered for more than one season, do I pay the deposit at the beginning of each season?
No. You pay the deposit when you register, so if you registered for fall and spring season then you pay a $150 deposit in September. If you only register for the fall season, then you pay a $75 deposit in September.
Can I volunteer for any age division?
Yes. You can volunteer for any age division. For example, if you have two players registered and one is in 10U which doesn’t require volunteer hours, you can volunteer to keep score at a 10U game and count those hours.
I’ve registered for more than one season, but can I do all my volunteer hours in one season?
Yes. If you want to focus your volunteer hours to one season, you may.
How do I track my volunteer hours?
All volunteer hours must be recorded on the volunteer tracking sheet and signed by a coach or member of the executive.
How do I get the volunteer tracking sheet?
You may print your own; get one from an executive at a practice, from the minor officials table at a home game; or a Vipers event.
How do I submit my completed volunteer tracking form?
You may send a scanned copy or a photo to: community@vancouverwaterpolo.com. You may also hand a paper copy to a member of the executive.
Can it only be a parent that volunteers?
No. Siblings, guardians, and other family members are welcome to volunteer.
How do I get my participation fee deposit back?
Once you have submitted your completed volunteer tracking form with the minimum number of hours, then you will receive a refund. Refunds will be processed the month after your player’s last season. For example, if your player’s last season is Spring/Summer, then your refund will be processed in August.
The deposit fee is a financial burden for me, can I be exempt from paying?
Please email our club presidents to request an exemption: president@vancouverwaterpolo.com; however, you can’t be exempt from both paying the deposit and doing the volunteer hours.
I am on a Vipers committee, am I exempt from paying the deposit?
No. Unfortunately, being named on a committee doesn’t make you exempt from paying the deposit unless you are on the Vipers Executive Committee.
How can I be a minor official at a game or tournament (score or time keeping)?
The schedule for games includes a column for volunteers to sign up as a minor official at each game. The tournament schedule also has a sign up option. If you don’t know how to score or time-keep, you may volunteer and ask to be trained at a game. Vipers also offers training sessions at the beginning of the year. You can’t be trained at a tournament: you must know how to score or time keep in advance of a tournament.
Thank you all for your continued support.